Our Lawyers

Gabriel Du Sablon has been practicing law in North Carolina since becoming a member of the North Carolina State Bar in 2008, with a focus on employment, utilities, and municipal law. Mr. Du Sablon became a shareholder of Cauley Pridgen P.A. in 2017. In addition to being licensed to practice before all state courts in North Carolina, he is licensed to practice before the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. He routinely advises employers on personnel matters such as FMLA, FLSA, and ADA compliance, EEOC discrimination and DES unemployment claims, personnel policy issues, and disciplinary matters; handles utility issues involving water, sewer, wastewater, electric, broadband, and pole attachments; economic development and public incentives work for municipal clients; and police and law enforcement matters including excessive force and malicious prosecution claims, public records requests, internal investigations, asset forfeitures, and criminal procedure. Mr. Du Sablon has handled a wide range of civil litigation in both state and federal courts, and also represents municipal and business clients in administrative proceedings involving various state and federal agencies, commissions, and boards, including matters involving the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the North Carolina Utilities Commission, and the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings. Mr. Du Sablon enjoys tackling challenging projects and as a result, gears his practice towards resolving complex legal issues for his clients.
A native of Nash County, Mr. Du Sablon is married with six children, and now resides in Franklin County. Outside of work, Mr. Du Sablon enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, occasionally playing golf, and working outdoors.
Representative work:
Employment/Police Defense/Civil Rights Cases
- Bethea v. Ellis, et al., 5:16-CV-178D, 5:16-CV-259D U.S. Dist. Ct., E.D.N.C (2017); No. 17-2065, (4th Cir. 2018)(unpublished)(per curiam).
- Represented individual police officers and municipal police department against pro se complaint alleging Section 1983 civil rights violations, including malicious prosecution. Obtained summary judgment in favor of defendants in federal district court, affirmed on appeal to Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Warmack v. City of Wilson, 5:16-CV-932-H, U.S. Dist. Ct., Eastern District, North Carolina (2017).
- Defended municipal employer against allegations by former police officer of sexual harassment in federal district court after successfully obtaining dismissal of EEOC charges against employer.
- Feltman v. City of Wilson, Wilson County Superior Court, 13-CVS-1294 (2013).
- Represented municipal employer against wrongful termination lawsuit. Case resolved by settlement on favorable terms.
- Bullock v. Town of Whitakers, Nash County Superior Court, 17-CVS-610
- Successfully defended Town against defamation allegations by former police chief.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission/Department of Justice Proceedings
- Successfully defended employers against dozens of EEOC charges of discrimination, as well as a Department of Justice investigation into workplace discrimination.
- Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security
- Represented clients in dozens of unemployment appeal hearings, as well as appeals to the Division of Employment Security Board of Review, and petitions for Judicial Review in state Superior Court.
Utilities/Regulatory/Administrative Matters
- Power Supply Contract Negotiations
- Negotiated numerous power supply contracts between municipal and governmental entities and Duke Energy Progress, North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, NTE Carolinas, and S.C. Public Service Authority
- Negotiated power supply contract amendments for N.C. and S.C. wholesale electric customers to address Duke Energy Progress and Duke Energy Carolinas coal ash expenses.
- Gas Supply Contract Negotiations
- Negotiated numerous natural gas supply contracts.
- Handled natural gas supply contract dispute.
- Served as legal counsel for wholesale power customers with regard to two separate natural gas prepay transactions involving Public Energy Authority of Kentucky (PEAK) and Tennergy.
- In the Matter of Application by Duke Energy Progress, LLC, For Adjustment of Rates and Charges Applicable to Electric Utility Service in North Carolina, North Carolina Utilities Commission Docket No E-2, Sub 1142 (2017).
- Intervened as amicus curiae on behalf of group of municipal power customers in Duke Energy Progress NCUC retail rate case.
- Filed amicus curiae brief challenging Duke Energy Progress recovery of coal ash costs in retail rates.
- In the Matter of City of Wilson, North Carolina Petition for Preemption of North Carolina General Statute Sections 160A-340 et seq., et al, WC Docket Nos. 14-115 and 14-116 (2015).
- Prevailed in petition for preemption of state statute before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
- State of Tennessee v. FCC, No. 15-3291, 15-3555, Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals (2016)
- Represented local government intervenor in Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals proceeding involving challenge by States of Tennessee and North Carolina to FCC preemption of state statutes.
- City of Wilson v. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 12-EHR-07734 (2013)
- Represented local government client in Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) challenge of state agency action imposing wastewater treatment requirements.
- City of Asheville v. State of North Carolina, 369 N.C. 80 (2016).
- Participated as amicus curiae before the North Carolina Supreme Court in support of the City of Asheville’s successful bid to prevent a state taking of its water system.
- Negotiated pole attachment agreements and resolved pole attachment fee disputes
- Served as special counsel for local government clients in matters involving interlocal agreements, and serve as consultant on various broadband and public utility projects.
- Handled EDA Grant Process for Property Acquisition and Renovation by Community College.
- Handle various Landlord/Tenant Matters, including Eviction Appeals, Rental Agreements, Public Housing issues, and Policy Guidance.
- Ave Maria School of Law, Ann Arbor, MI
- Juris Doctor 2008.
- Law Review, Senior Editor
- Institutional Scholarship
- Pacific Legal Foundation Writing Competition Placement
- Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, NC
- B.A., magna cum laude, Philosophy, 2005
- Anne Horne Little Honors Degree
- Delta Epsilon Sigma Honor Society Nominee
Bar Admissions
- North Carolina State Bar
- U.S. District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
Community Involvement/Memberships
- North Carolina Bar Association
- 7th Judicial District
- 2016-2017 NCBA Government and Public Sector Section Liaison to Young Lawyers Division.
- St. Therese Catholic Church
Practice Areas
- Commercial Litigation
- Contract Drafting and Disputes
- Employment Law
- Lobbying & Legislative Affairs
- Municipalities & Counties
- Quasi-governmental Entities
- Litigation
- Interlocal Agreements
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Law Enforcement
- Human Resources
- Economic Development
- Housing Authorities
- Environmental
- Regulatory
- Contract Drafting & Disputes
- Litigation
- Appellate Law
- General Civil Litigation
- Federal Civil Litigation